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Register for Portal Access
Access to use the MRA Mining Cadastre Portal is intended for people or companies that do business, or plan to do business, in the mineral resource sector of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea.
Access may be granted to individuals who are:
Acting in their own capacity
Authorised employees of, or agents for, a company
Individuals may represent more than one company.
Companies may be represented by more than one individual.
Applications to register for access to the Mining Cadastre Portal must be presented in person by the individual who wishes to use the portal. The application must consist of:
A completed registration
form TMP1
Proof of identity
If an employee or agent, an original Letter of Authority authorising the individual to act on behalf of the company or person.
At the time of registration the Mineral Resource Authority will go through a verification process with the individual and/or company to ensure that all existing information in the Mining Cadastre Portal is correct and up-to-date.
Access will not be granted to a person representing an individual and/or company that is in default on any existing mineral right in Papua New Guinea.
Once the Mineral Resource Authority has processed the application, a user profile will be created in the Mining Cadastre Portal and an email sent to their registered email address with a unique link. When signing in to the system for the first time, the user will be required to set his or her own password.